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June is National Safety Month

Observed annually in June by the National Safety Council (NSC), National Safety Month focuses on reducing leading causes of injury and death at work, on the road and in our homes and communities. The NSC provides free resources highlighting a different safety topic for each week in June:

  • Week 1: Emergency Preparedness

  • Week 2: Wellness

  • Week 3: Falls

  • Week 4: Driving

Companies across all industries should have a comprehensive strategy to build and maintain a culture of safety in their workplace. As the Council reports, employers who show they care about the safety of their employees see improved morale, increased productivity, lower costs and, most importantly, fewer injuries. Recognizing National Safety Month is a great way to get everyone involved and bring your organization's safety culture to life. 

Here are some ideas from the NSC on how to "celebrate" safety and encourage co-workers, friends and family to take at least one step in June to stay safe.

  • Distribute/post the public, downloadable National Safety Month materials 
  • Create bulletin boards, newsletters or blog posts using the weekly themes
  • Hold a safety trivia contest with weekly prizes
  • Make an activity out of identifying hazards where you work and live
  • Throw a safety fair, lunch 'n learn or celebratory luncheon
  • Encourage others to take the SafeAtWork pledge
  • Share posts on your social media channels using #No1GetsHurt
  • Provide safety training